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Before & After your appointment

Before your eyelash appointment please also read the 'Booking' page:

Please arrive to the appointment with no mascara, eyeshadow or eyeliner. There is $10 cleaning fee if your lash artist will be removing eye makeup or any oils/lotions near your eyes.  Please avoid coffee or any caffeinated drinks at least 3-4 hours prior to your appointment. Caffeine makes your eyes twitch and makes it difficult to place extensions on natural lashes. Arrive to your appointment at least 5 minutes prior to fill out a client evaluation form if this is your first visit to the lounge. If you have any questions I'll be happy to answer them during your lash application otherwise please relax as it helps when there is minimum face movement and the patches have a tendency to move and will get uncomfortable for you. Please silence your phone and allow yourself to have a relaxing spa-like experience!



After your eyelash appointment for the first 24-48 hours after application DO NOT get your lashes wet. Do not use spa, sauna, or pool. The adhesive needs to cure and bond with your natural lash. AFTER 24 hours clean your lashes daily with oil-free facial cleanser, soap & water. Oil breaks down the adhesive. After showering blot your lashes with a paper towel or let them air dry. Brush your lashes when they are dry using a mascara brush if necessary from the top while your eye is slightly closed. Do not pull your lashes or rub your eyes. Do not use any eyelash curlers. Use mascaras that are water-based only if you'd like but it cannot contain any oil. Please avoid any oil-based products including makeup remover, waterproof mascaras, makeup products, lotions, etc. Oil breaks down the adhesive, the label of your products must say OIL FREE. Wear a headband when exercising and sweating. Try to sleep on your back, but if you cannot, try sleeping with a satin sleep mask or satin pillow case to protect your lashes while sleeping.  A touch-up every 2-3 weeks is recommended. 


We sell  silk masks, mascara wands and lash shampoo for your convenience. 

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